2 April 2021
Hey there! How are you? Long time no see! I know, I’m not very consistent with this blogging lark!
I have made a few things and actually have photos of most of them now, so look out for more blog posts over the next few months.
First up is the Stitchbird Dress by The Sewing Revival. I made it in a yellowy/lime green linen which I bought from the local Bernina shop in Gisborne.

I chose a fairly stiff linen which I though would be perfect for this pattern. I pre-washed it and it was a dream to work with. However, when I put the finished garment on, it seemed as though it was a bit too stiff.
But after taking these photos, I wore it to town one day and I found that the stiffness reduced a fair amount. This made it very comfortable to wear and I even received a few compliments from complete strangers! (But this is the sort of thing which happens in small town New Zealand anyway.)

So let’s talk about the pattern. I wanted a loose fitting dress I could wear in the hot weather. I stumbled across this pattern and loved the loose fit, the interesting pleat at the back, and that it looks stylish. Oh, and it has pockets!!! Being designed by a New Zealand designer was an added bonus for me!

The pattern instructions were great and the drafting perfect. I love it when notches actually match up!

I officially love The Sewing Revival pattern company! They state that they design “patterns easy enough to ensure success and different enough to celebrate.” This is so true – there is something a little different in each pattern, but they are easy to make.

- I fall exactly into one size – I normally have to grade between 2 or even 3 different sizes.
- The designs are interesting.
- NZ designer.
- 1cm seam allowances – much easier to sew.
- Great drafting – the pattern pieces fit together perfectly, notches line up, etc.
- Clear instructions.
- Quick and easy to make (the two patterns I’ve made so far have been and the instructions for the next pattern I’m going to make are looking good as well!)
- There aren’t too many notches – I hate patterns which have notches for no reason.

All in all I’m very happy with my hot weather dress which I can throw on and feel as though I’m dressed up, but still be comfortable.